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Effect of intragastric bile salts on ionic movement across normal human gastric mucosa after intravenous atropine
  1. K. J. Ivey,
  2. L. Denbesten,
  3. J. A. Clifton


    The effect of intravenous atropine (2·0 mg/70 kg) and intragastric bile salts (5·0-5·5 mM) on ionic fluxes across the gastric mucosa was studied. Serial instillations of bile salts, in 200 ml 160 m-equiv/l HCl with 51Cr as a non-absorbable indicator, were performed in eight normal subjects. Five subjects received a bile salt mixture of 84% taurocholic acid, 14% taurodeoxycholic acid, and 2% taurochenodeoxycholic acid. With HCl alone (controls) the mean net flux into the lumen was 1·4 m-equiv H+, 2·9 m-equiv Cl, 1·5 m-equiv Na+, and 0·26 m-equiv K+ per 15 minutes after the first instillation. Where atropine plus bile salt was given the loss from the lumen was 5·4 m-equiv H+ (p < 0·01) and 1·9 m-equiv Cl (p < 0·05) and movement into the lumen was 3·2 m-equiv Na+ (p < 0·01) and 0·20 m-equiv K+ in the corresponding period. Similar but smaller ion flux changes occurred in three subjects who received atropine and pure taurodeoxycholic acid. The net loss of H+ from the gastric lumen was greater after atropine-bile salts than that shown in previous studies with bile salts alone. It is postulated that atropine reduced the volume of endogenous HCl secretion unmasking the loss of H+.

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