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Effect of lysolecithin on gastric mucosal structure and potential difference.
  1. R Orchard,
  2. K Reynolds,
  3. B Fox,
  4. R Andrews,
  5. R A Parkins,
  6. A G Johnson


    The effect of lysolecithin (100 mg%) on the guinea-pig gastric mucosa was studied by instilling a solution for 30 minutes, preceded and followed by 100 MN HCl into 10 total gastric pouches. Ten control animals had HCl throughout. Lysolecithin produced a significant change in transmucosal potential difference, macroscopic erosions, and mucosal damage on histology and electron scanning microscopy. None of these changes was seen in the control animals. This is further evidence that the reflux of lysolecithin from the duodenum is an important factor in causing active gastritis and gastric erosions.

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