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Gastrointestinal regulatory peptide storage granule abnormalities in jejunal mucosal diseases.
  1. J Dawson,
  2. M G Bryant,
  3. S R Bloom,
  4. T J Peters


    The mucosal concentrations of seven regulatory peptides and the density properties and integrity of their storage granules have been studied in mucosal biopsies from the human jejunum in eight gastrointestinal disease states and compared with normal controls. In diseases with associated mucosal inflammation (coeliac disease, Crohn's disease with jejunal involvement, postinfective tropical malabsorption, and common variable immunodeficiency) there was a selective increase in fragility of the gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) and somatostatin storage granules. The gastrin, motilin, enteroglucagon, secretin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide granules had normal properties in these conditions. In diseases in which diarrhoea occurred in the absence of changes in jejunal mucosal histology (irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatic insufficiency, jejuno-ileal bypass for morbid obesity, and purgative abuse) there were no abnormalities of the storage granules. Increased mucosal concentrations of all peptides except vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) were found in coeliac disease and selective increases of VIP found in Crohn's disease, motilin in the irritable bowel syndrome and gastrin and GIP in pancreatic insufficiency. It is suggested that the storage granule abnormalities in the diseases with abnormal mucosal histology are secondary to the inflammatory changes.

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