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Fine needle aspiration cytology of rectal masses.
  1. R Kochhar,
  2. A Rajwanshi,
  3. J D Wig,
  4. N M Gupta,
  5. V Kesiezie,
  6. D K Bhasin,
  7. A K Malik,
  8. S K Gupta,
  9. S K Mehta
  1. Department of Gastroenterology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India.


    This paper describes the results of transproctoscopic fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of rectal lesions. Fifty one consecutive patients referred with a presumptive diagnosis of rectal mass were subjected to proctoscopic examination when fine needle aspiration cytology, brush cytology and biopsy samples were taken. Of the 30 patients of malignancy of rectum in whom all the three sampling techniques were applied, the biopsy was positive in 27 (90%), brush cytology in 25 (83.3%) and fine needle aspiration cytology in 29 (96.6%). A combination of fine needle aspiration cytology with brush cytology gave a positive yield in 96.6% while that fine needle aspiration cytology with brush cytology gave a yield of 100%. Fine needle aspiration cytology was most helpful in infiltrative tumours. All 10 patients with secondaries in the pouch of Douglas or rectovesical pouch, and the single patient with submucosal rectal carcinoma were correctly diagnosed at fine needle aspiration cytology. There were no false positive results with fine needle aspiration cytology and no complications were encountered with the procedure.

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