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Accessory left biliary duct draining into the lesser curve of the stomach
  1. R Mascarenhas,
  2. R Varadarajan,
  3. J Mathias,
  4. O Traynor,
  5. J Geoghegan
  1. Liver Unit, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin, Ireland
  1. Correspondence to:
    Mr J Geoghegan, Liver Unit, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland;

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A 32 year old woman presented to a hospital in North America in November 1996 with upper abdominal pain and pyrexia. Liver function tests and ultrasound scan of the abdomen were normal. Gastroscopy demonstrated an abnormal opening on the lesser curve of the stomach which on barium meal investigation appeared as a sinus tract extending superiorly (fig 1A). A computed tomography (CT) scan performed showed minimal aerobilia in the left liver but no other abnormality. At laparoscopy, a well formed tract was identified running from the gastric lesser curve towards the left side of the hilum of the …

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