Table 3

Characteristics of relapse of distal ulcerative colitis in the patients receiving three suppositories a week of either 1 g mesalazine or placebo (where applicable, results are expressed as means (SD))

Mesalazine Placebo p Value
Number of patients2329
No of stools/day3.2  (1.8)3.4  (2.0)0.91
Blood in stools (% subjects)91.31000.26
Mucus (% subjects)43.564.30.14
Tenemus (% subjects)
Pain (% subjects)43.551.70.39
Extent of lesions (cm)9.4 (5.6)11.4 (6.9)0.58
Endoscopy (% subjects)0.54
 Score 19.54.2
 Score 247.641.7
 Score 328.641.7
 Score 414.312.4