Table 3

 Comparison of intestinal mast cell numbers

Specimen site Category Mucosal Submucosal Combined
Small bowel
Non-IBD (19)92.7  (16.2)51.9  (5.8)144.6  (19.4)
Crohn’s disease (16)188.9 (35.5)* 77.4 (11.6)266.3 (43.8)*
Large bowel
Non-IBD (33)134.6 (14.7)66.0 (6.2)202.4 (19.5)
Crohn’s disease (4)91.3 (34.7)70.0 (10.2)168.8 (38.5)
Ulcerative colitis (6)142.6 (49.0)116.2 (28.5)258.8 (75.1)
  • Mast cell numbers per mm2 of mucosa, submucosa, and the two areas combined expressed as mean (SEM); n is the number of subject specimens examined for each tissue category. *p<0.05 compared with corresponding non-IBD tissues.