Table 2

Influence of the fat content of the meal on lower oesophageal sphincter motor function and mechanisms underlying episodes of gastro-oesophageal reflux

Holloway et al6 Penagini et al
Subjects12 N + 11 GORD13 N + 14 GORD
MealsLiquid; intraduodenal infusion (1 ml/min for 30 min) of fat (Intralipid 10%) vsalineSolid + liquid (3.18 MJ); Orally + intragastric infusion of a high fat (52%) v a balanced (24%) meal
Duration of recording30 min180 min
Basal LOS pressure
 Normal  controlsDecreasedNS
 Normal  controlsNSNS
No of reflux episodes
 Normal  controlsNSNS
% TLOSRs with reflux
 Normal  controlsNSNS
  • N, asymptomatic healthy subjects; GORD, patients with erosive oesophagitis or abnormal acid exposure, or both, on 24 hour pH monitoring.