Table 1

Gene knockout mice for opioid receptors and ligands

Gene disrupted Development Phenotype (homozygous) Reference
β-endorphinNo effectNo overt locomotor or behavioural changes; no analgesic response to swim stressRubinstein and colleagues2
Pre-pro-enkephalinNo effectAltered locomotor activityKonig and colleagues3
Increased pain perception to a variety of pain stimuli
Altered anxiety response
μ-opioid receptorNo effectAltered locomotor activityMattes and colleagues4
Analgesic effect to morphine abolished
Altered anxiety response
Response to thermal pain abolished
Normal response to visceral chemical pain
δ-opioid receptorNo effectAwaiting full characterisationZhu and colleagues5
κ-opioid receptorNo effectNo effect on locomotor activitySimonin and colleagues
Anxiety response normal
Normal response to thermal, chemical and mechanical pain
Increased response to visceral chemical pain