Table 3

Crude flare up rates during the study period according to baseline variables

No (%) of patients with flare upMedian time to flare up (days)p Value
(log rank test)
Total146/328 (45)504 (49)
Recently active disease
 Yes107/180 (59)337 (7)< 0.0001
 No39/148 (26)> 614
 >15036/49 (73)263 (89)< 0.0001
 <151110/279 (39)548 (18)
Colonic lesions
 Yes91/169 (54)405 (26)0.0004
 No55/159 (35)> 614
Anoperineal lesions
 Yes 41/68 (60)266 (62)< 0.0001
 No105/260 (40)535 (14)
Steroid therapy
 Yes65/100 (65)355 (8)< 0.0001
 No81/228 (35)> 614
Current smoking
 Yes97/183 (53)444 (29)0.002
 No49/145 (34)> 581
  • Results for time to flare up are expressed as median (SD).

  • Note: The following were not significant: age, duration of disease, small bowel lesions, previous intestinal resection, 5-aminosalicylate treatment, immunosuppressive therapy, use of oral contraceptives.

  • CDAI, Crohn’s disease activity index.