Table 1

Percentage distribution of gastrointestinal symptoms in the study population (n=391)

Dyspepsia (n=189)IBS (n=202)
Functional dyspepsia: Rome criteria13 1-150
Upper abdominal pain or discomfort8763
Epigastric burning6223
Pain relieved by food or antacid4917
Postprandial pain5833
Night pain waking the patient from sleep3719
Postprandial fullness8956
Postprandial upper abdominal bloating8177
Feeling of slow digestion7048
Early satiety3828
Nausea, vomiting5026
Excessive burping/belching6840
Irritable bowel syndrome: Rome criteria14 IBS (n=202) Dyspepsia (n=189)
Abdominal pain or discomfort relieved by defecation9125
Altered bowel frequency8734
Altered form of stool8839
Altered stool passage8227
Bloating or feeling of abdominal distension9770
Passage of mucus2814
  • 1-150 All differences between the dyspepsia and IBS groups were significant (p<0.05) except for early satiety; All differences between IBS and dyspepsia groups were significant (p<0.05).

  • IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.