Table 1

Gastric emptying of a liquid in AIDS

Median time (range) in
minutes of first appearance of 3-O-methyl-d-glucose in serum
Controls15 (15–30)
AIDS, well22.5 (15–60)1-150
AIDS, weight loss30 (15–60)1-151
Pathogen negative diarrhoea30 (15–45)1-152
CMV colitis30 (15–90)1-150
Microsporidiosis15 (15–45)1-150
Cryptosporidiosis15 (15–90)1-150
  • Statistical analysis performed by the Mann-Whitney test.

  • 1-150 Differed significantly from controls (p<0.05).

  • 1-151 Differed significantly from controls (p<0.005).

  • 1-152 Differed significantly from controls (p<0.001).

  • CMV, cytomegalovirus.