Table 1

Comparison of endoscopic ultrasonographic (EUS) features in benign stromal cell tumours (SCTs) and SCTs with malignant potential (univariate analysis)

Features Borderline SCTs (n=13) Leiomyosarcomas
SCTs with malignant potential (borderline tumours + leiomyosarcoma)
Benign leiomyomas (n=34) SCTs with malignant potential versus benign leiomyomas
(p value)
Maximal diameter >30 mm10  (77)7  (78)17  (77)14  (41)0.003
Ulceration5 (38)7 (78)12 (54)10 (29)0.06
Lymph nodes1 (8)4 (44)5 (23)1 (3)0.02
Heterogeneity with cystic spaces6 (46)3 (33)9 (41)2 (6)0.001
Heterogeneity without cystic spaces3 (23)3 (33)6 (27)11 (32)0.9
Exophytic development6 (46)2 (22)8 (36)4 (12)0.03
Extraluminal irregular margins6 (46)5 (56)11 (50)2 (6)0.0002
  • Values in parentheses are percentages.