Table 1

Characteristics of the patients enrolled in the study (n=313)

Age (y)1-a 56.8 (11.97)
Sex (M/F)193/120
Hepatits C virus201 (64.2%)1-b
Hepatits B virus1-150 55 (17.6%)1-b
Antibodies to hepatitis B virus93 (29.7%)1-b
Ethanol abuser79 (25.2%)1-b
Primary biliary cirrhosis10 (3.2%)1-b
Cryptogenic cirrhosis13 (4.2%)
Child-Pugh class
 A198 (63.3%)
 B103 (32.9%)
 C12 (3.8%)
AFP at entry
 <20 ng/dl258 (82.4%)
 >20 ng/dl55 (17.6%)
  • 1-a Data are expressed as mean (SD).

  • 1-b 45 patients (14.4%) were positive for several aetiological factors.

  • 1-150 This category included patients with a positive serum test for hepatitis B surface antigen.

  • AFP, α fetoprotein.