Table 2

 Extradigestive characteristics of patients with cryptogenetic multifocal ulcerous stenosing enteritis

Case NoExtradigestive symptomsInterval between first digestive symptoms and extradigestive involvement (y)Outcome of extradigestive symptoms
 1Obstructive pulmonary syndrome+10Remission with corticosteroid therapy and salbutamol
 1Symetrical sensory neuropathy of legs+14Remission with corticosteroid therapy
 3Arterial hypertension+2Remission with perindopril
 4Periaxial neuropathy0Stable
 5Atrial fibrillation−5Failure of electric cardioversion; long term digoxin therapy
 5Oral aphthae0Spontaneous remission
11Raynaud's phenomenonRemission with corticosteroid therapy
Joint painRemission with corticosteroid therapy
Sicca syndromeRemission with corticosteroid therapy
Obstructive pulmonary diseaseRemission with corticosteroid therapy