Table 1

Distribution of family members in 102 families. The families were divided into the following subgroups (i) CD group: 69 families with only the intestinal manifestation of coeliac disease, (ii) DH group: 33 families who also had dermatitis herpetiformis patients, (iii) FM group: 56 families with both males and females as affected sibs, and (iv) FF group: 46 families with only females as affected sibs. Two of the families contained affected sibpairs in the third generation

CD group DH group Total
FM group37 families19 families56 families
87 siblings (40F, 47M)54 siblings (27F, 27M)141 siblings (67F, 74M)
62 parents (13 affected)
FF group32 families14 families46 families
71 siblings34 siblings105 siblings
49 parents (4 affected)
Total69 families33 families102 families
158 siblings88 siblings246 siblings (172F, 74M)
82 parents (11 affected)29 parents (6 affected)111 parents (17 affected)
  • F=female, M=male.