Table 1

Serum biochemistry at 48 hours after injection of galactosamine (GalN)

TreatmentBilirubin (μmol/l)ALT (IU/l)Albumin (g/l)
Rats injected with GalN (n=12) developed severe liver injury with significantly elevated levels of bilirubin, alanine transaminase (ALT), and albumin compared with controls (n=12). Rats treated with Bosentan either 24 hours prior to or 24 hours post GalN injection had a similar degree of liver injury.
Groups: control (n=12), GalN (GalN) (n=12), Bosentan+saline (Bos control) (n=4), Bosentan given 24 hours prior to GalN injection (Bos pre-GalN) (n=8), and Bosentan given 24 hours after GalN injection (Bos post-GalN) (n=12).
Values are mean (SEM).
*p<0.05, ***p<0.001, compared with control animals.
Control 0.8 (0.1) 63 (4)31 (1.0)
GalN148 (6)***8857 (1057)***28 (0.7)*
Bos control 0.5 (0) 77 (11)32 (0.5)
Bos pre-GalN118 (20)***8556 (1754)***27 (0.5)*
Bos post-GalN108 (5)***9191 (933)***27 (0.6)*