Table 1

Patient characteristics

Age (y) Sex Coeliac disease GFD Response to GFD EmA antibodies AGA antibodies Grade of enteropathy Duration of symptoms (months) Clonality duo (bp) Clonality Tu/jejunum in UJ (bp) Outcome (months)
CD1–812–706F, 2M+++6+, 2ni8+III-IV  2–384PolyAll alive
CoS 124F+III 24Oligo+28
CoS 240F+++ni+IV228PolyAlive 108
Col.ass.55F+niniIII 12PolyAlive 94
CVID32F+III 15PolyAlive 96
Auto E18M++IV 24PolyAlive 50
RS 151M+niIII 22PolyAlive 46
RS 234F+IV 10PolyAlive 86
RS 364F+III 31PolyAlive 84
RS 442F+niIII  5PolyAlive 70
RS 574F+niIV  2Poly+12
RS 679M+++++III 23Mo 200+2
RS−Tu172F+++III 69Bi 208,209Bi 208,209Alive 72
RS−Tu256F+++ni+IV 72PolyMo 208+19
RS−Tu360M+++++IV 12Mo 205Mo 205+1
UJ 173M+++III 12Bi 205,214Bi 205,214+4
UJ 250F+++++III 33Mo 211Mo 211Alive 24
EITCL 148F++niniIII  9PolyMo 202+60
EITCL 258FIIMo 207Mo 207+16
EITCL 352M+++niIII−IV 58PolyMo 206+3
EITCL 454F+++III  0PolyMo 211Alive 45
EITCL 571F++++IV288PolyMo 206+10
EITCL 653F+++++IV 24Bi 196,212Bi 196,212+3
EITCL 771F++++III  4PolyMo 207+80
EITCL 876F++niniIII 60Mo 210Mo 210+2
EITCL 950F+++niniIII240Mo 212Mo 212Surv 4
  • Results of antibody tests were undertaken during a normal diet.

  • F, female; M, male; CD, coeliac disease; GFD, gluten free diet; EmA, antiendomysium antibodies; AGA, IgA antigliadin antibodies; enteropathy, enteropathy in duodenal biopsies is graded according to the classification by Marsh; duration of symptoms, duration of symptoms in months until definite diagnosis; outcome, if patients are alive, duration of disease since date of diagnosis is stated in months; CoS, collagenous sprue; Col.ass., colitis associated sprue syndrome. CVID, common variable immunodeficiency; auto E, autoimmune enteropathy; RS, refractory sprue, RS-Tu, refractory sprue developing EITCL; ni, not investigated; +xy, died after xy months; clonality Tu, results of TCR-γ gene PCR from DNA from the overt lymphoma; poly, polyclonal; mo, monoclonal, lenght of dominant bands in base pairs; oligo, oligoclonal; bi, biclonal; bp, base pairs; UJ, ulcerative jejunitis.