Table 2

A summary of the definitions of complications associated with pancreatic leakage in the double blind, multicentre, placebo controlled trials with octreotide

Definition of leakage related complications
CT, computed tomography.
Trial Pancreatic fistula Abdominal abscess Intra-abdominal fluid collection
Büchler et al 199226Concentration of amylase and lipase in the drainage fluid g3 days postoperatively of g3 times the normal serum value and a drainage volume of g10 ml/24 hoursCollection of pus or infected fluid confirmed by ultrasound or CT guided aspiration and culture, or second laparotomyFluid collection (sterile) of at least 5X5 cm in diameter by ultrasound or CT
Pederzoli et al 19941Drain output with amylase content g3 times the maximum normal value exceeding 10 ml/24 hours for ±4 days from day 4 after the operationCollection of pus or infected fluid confirmed by ultrasound or CT guided aspiration and culture, or second laparotomyFluid collection (sterile) of at least 5x5 cm in diameter by ultrasound or CT
Montorsi et al 199527Concentration of amylase and lipase in the drainage fluid g3 days postoperatively of g3 times the normal serum value and a drainage volume of g10 ml/24 hoursCollection of infected fluid with normal amylase concentration, with or without pus, confirmed by ultrasound or CT guided aspiration and culture, or second laparotomyAn intraperitoneal sac containing sterile fluid, with or without amylase
Friess et al 199528Complications were defined and recorded as previously reported1,29,35,36