Table 3

Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) suspected families with mutation in hMLH1 or hMSH2

CategoryPatient NoFamily NoGeneExonBase changeBase NoCodonAA changeMSIComment
*Category 6, proband at age 40 years or younger with at least one CRC among family members; category 7, both proband and one first degree relative with CRC <55 years.
MSI, microsatellite instability; MSI-H, high microsatellite instability; MSI-L, low microsatellite instability; MS-S, stable microsatellites; CRC, colorectal cancer.
11 1MLH111Del G1046349FrameshiftMSI-HStop codon 380
Amsterdam21MLH111Del G1046349FrameshiftMSI-HStop codon 380
criteria I3 2MLH116Del AAG1846–8616Del LysMSI-HPathogenic, see text
4 3MSH212Del AAT1786–8596Del AsnMSI-HPathogenic, see text
5 4MSH211T>A2 bases downstreamSplice mutationMSI-HPathogenic, see text
21211MLH11C>T7626Gln>stopMSI-HStop codon
Amsterdam1312MSH212Del AAT1786–8596Del AsnMSI-HPathogenic, see text
criteria II164MSH211T>A2 bases downstreamSplice mutationMSI-HPathogenic, see text
6*3734MSH212Del AAT1786–8596Del AsnMSI-HPathogenic, see text
7*4239MSH212Del AAT1786–8596Del AsnMSI-HPathogenic, see text