Table 2

Uptake of hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing in the healthwatch clinic and prevalence of positive HCV tests

PrisonNo of receptionsTests requestedHCV antibody positive (%)HCV PCR positive (%)% HCV PCR/Ab positive
The number and percentage of prisoners accepting testing for HCV, testing positive for HCV antibodies in serum, and testing positive for HCV nucleic acid by polymerase chain amplification (PCR) are presented.
Ab, antibody.
Parkhurst6104019 (47.5)15 (37.5)78.9
Camp Hill8009335 (37.6)23 (24.7)65.7
Albany20844 (100)3 (75)75
Total1618137 (8.5)58 (42)41 (29.9)70.7