Table 1

Patient profiles

CaseNo studiedSex (M:F)Age (y)*ALT (U/l)*HBeAg positivity (%)HBV DNA (log copies/ml)*
*Values are mean (SD).
aNS; b p=0.007; cNS; d p<0.001; eNS; fNS.
AH, acute self limited hepatitis; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; CLD, chronic liver diseases; FH, fulminant hepatitis; HBeAg, hepatitis B e antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus.
(AH and FH are included in acute forms of liver dissase.)
(Acute exacerbation of CLD is included in CLD.)
Acute forms of liver disease6141:2034.1 (11.1)3143 (3251)54.1a4.58 (1.31)d
    (AH)4529:1637.1 (12.5)3092 (2870)65.2b4.48 (1.26)e
    (FH)1612:443.0 (9.20)2959 (4068)25.0b4.71 (1.40)e
CLD531360:17138.5 (13.9)113.4 (127.3)58.7a c6.19 (1.65)df
    (Acute exacerbation of CLD)1914:546.4 (12.3)1271 (1875)36.8c5.91 (1.74)f
Total592401:19138.3 (13.7)370.8 (1238.1)57.95.97 (1.51)