Table 5

Standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) for primary liver and gall bladder cancer in offspring by parental concordant site and by liver and biliary cancer

Primary liverGall bladder
Parental cancerHistology in offspringOSIR95%CIOSIR95%CI
Values in bold type indicate that 95% confidence interval (95% CI) does not include 1.00.
O, observed.
Primary liverHepatocellular carcinoma5 4.69 1.48 11.04 0
Liver and biliaryHepatocellular carcinoma72.500.995.190
Gall bladderAdenocarcinoma07 5.21 2.07 10.80
Liver and biliaryAdenocarcinoma010 3.28 1.56 6.06