Table 1

 Body weight, liver weight, and plasma parameters of lean and obese Zucker rats

8 week old ZR14 week old ZR
Lean (?/fa)Obese (fa/fa)Lean (?/fa)Obese (fa/fa)
Data represent mean (SD), n = 3–12 per group.
ZR, Zucker rat; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase.
*p<0.05 compared with respective lean control.
Body weight (g)198 (7.4)251.2 (7.9)*263.4 (21.7)411.0 (17.4)*
Liver weight (g)6.2 (0.21)9.4 (0.36)*7.1 (0.4)12.8 (0.9)*
Body/liver weight32.1 (0.7)26.8 (0.76)*36.6 (1.3)33.0 (1.9)
Glucose (mg/dl)132.9 (6.5)151.2 (9.1)*119.6 (2.9)191.9 (12.6)*
AST (U/l)84.8 (4.3)193.4 (19.4)*110.5 (5.8)147.7 (13.5)
ALT (U/l)46.9 (4.9)58.0 (0.2)67.8 (6.1)66.6 (5.0)
Cholesterol (mg/dl)72.1 (2.6)123.9 (32.2)*74.1 (8.0)96.0 (8.8)
Triglycerides (mg/dl)33.7 (2.9)293.8 (59)*40.4 (7.1)418.2 (68.7)*
Bilirubin (µmol/l)9.0 (1.0)10.9 (1.3)4.4 (0.23)4.4 (1.4)