Table 1

 Differential effect of CD2 and CD3 activation on lamina propria T cell (LPT) cell cycle kinetics

G0/G1 traverse time*S traverse time*G2/M traverse time*Potential doubling time (Tpot)*Cells in mitosis (%)†
CD, Crohn’s disease; UC, ulcerative colitis.
*Values represent time in hours.
†Percentage of phospho-histone H3 positive cells at 72 hours.
Control anti-CD28.5 (0.9)25.8 (3.0)7.6 (1.1)41.90.69 (0.07)
Control anti-CD38.1 (1.1)30.5 (3.2)6.3 (0.6)44.90.53 (0.09)
CD anti-CD26.7 (0.9)13.8 (1.9)5.7 (0.9)26.21.31 (0.16)
CD anti-CD37.1 (1.1)14.9 (1.3)5.4 (0.7)27.41.26 (0.14)
UC anti-CD27.9 (0.8)31.3 (2.4)6.9 (1.0)46.10.49 (0.04)
UC anti-CD38.8 (0.9)35.4 (3.5)6.8 (0.8)51.00.44 (0.05)