Table 3

Sociodemographic data of patients with and without a reported history of childhood adversity

No reported childhood adversity (%) (n = 93)Reported childhood adversity (%) (n = 40)OR (95% CI)
*Values indicate χ2 (df) [p value].
Mean (SD) age (y)51.9 (12.0)47.6 (10.6)p = 0.056 (t test)
Single7 (7)4 (10)
Married73 (79)23 (58)
Widowed/separated/divorced13 (14)13 (32)6.82 (2) [0.033]*
Women49 (53)23 (57)0.82 (0.39–1.74)
White Europeans90 (97)37 (92)2.4 (0.47–12.6)
Middle class52 (56)12 (30)2.96 (1.34–6.52)
>12 y education48 (52)18 (45)0.77 (0.36–1.6)
Access to confidant84 (90)30 (75)0.32 (0.12–0.87)
Traumatic experiences:
    Severe event or marked difficulty in last year (excl own health)35 (37.6)18 (45)1.36 (0.64–2.87)
    Death in family during childhood25 (27)9 (22)0.79 (0.33–1.89)
    Seriously ill family member during childhood41 (44)27 (67)2.63 (1.21–5.73)