Table 1

Characteristics and follow up of patients according to microsatellite instability status

MSI (n = 24)MSS (n = 118)p Value*
MSI, microsatellite instability; MSS, microsatellite stable;
†Values are median [minimum−maximum].
*Mann-Whitney test or Fisher’s exact test.
Age (y)†74 [29–94]69 [35–93]0.56
Follow up (months)†50 [26–82]43 [2.5–86]0.02
Sex (female/male)19 (79%)/5 (212%)59 (50%)/59 (50%)0.0123
Perineural invasion, lymphovascular invasion, or presence of vascular neoplastic emboli (Y/N)4 (17%)/20 (83%)45 (38%)/73 (62%)0.058
Perineural invasion (Y/N)2 (8%)/22 (92%)24 (20%)/94 (80%)0.24
Lymphovascular invasion (Y/N)1 (4%)/23 (96%)20 (17%)/98 (83%)0.20
Presence of vascular neoplastic emboli (Y/N)1 (4%)/23 (96%)16 (14%)/102 (86%)0.30
Right sided tumour (Y/N)19 (79%)/5 (21%)59 (50%)/59 (50%)0.012
Recurrence (Y/N)0 (0%)/24 (100%)15 (13%)/103 (87%)0.07