Table 1

 Iron intake in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and controls

ReferencenIron intake (mg/day)††Iron density (mg/1000 kcal)
†‡§Results from patients with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
¶**Results from patients with Crohn’s disease. Controls were selected randomly from a general practitioner database.
†§No control group was used.
‡Controls were patients with gastrointestinal functional disorders.
§Vitamin and mineral supplements are not included.
††Recommended intakes of iron are male 8–8.7 mg/day and female 14–14.8 mg/day (Department of National Health and Welfare, Canada 1983; Department of Health, UK, 1991).
—, data not available.
Hodges et al 19841054717.611.76.46.5
Gee et al 19851066416.611.413.
Imes et al 1987107§13718.
Crohn’s disease Controls Crohn’s disease Controls
Geerling et al 19981083213.313.55.05.5
Lomer et al 200419**919.3***11.64.5***5.6