Table 3

 Explicative variables of stool weight, protein absorption, and fat absorption according to multivariate analysis in 90 adult short bowel patients

Stool weightFat absorptionProtein absorption
*p = 0.08.
The predictive equations for the three variables are:
stool weight (g/day)  =  2989 + 9.63 × simple carbohydrate intake (g/day) − 12.51 × jejunum length (cm) − 14.31 × ileum length (cm) − 18.75×colon (% in continuity);
net fat digestive absorption (%)  =  52.2 + 0.139 × jejunum length (cm) + 0.248 × ileum length (cm) + 11.35 × ileocaecal valve (yes or no) − 0.142 × fat intake (g/day);
net protein digestive absorption (%)  =  46.5 + 0.153 × jejunum length (cm) + 0.286 × ileum length (cm).
Jejunum lengthp<0.001p<0.01p = 0.001
Ileum lengthp<0.05p<0.05p<0.01
Radiographic abnormal pattern of remnant small bowelNSNSNS
Presence of ileocaecal valveNSNS*NS
Per cent of colon in continuityp<0.001NSNS
Simple carbohydrate intakep<0.001
Protein intakeNSNS
Fat intakeNSp<0.05