Table 2

 Bone mineral density in the inflammatory bowel disease study population

Patient characteristic
*Values are mean (SD) [range].
OPG, osteoprotegerin; RANKL, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B; sRANKL, soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B; BMD, bone mineral density.
Crohn’s disease (n)29
Ulcerative colitis (n)14
Age (y)*33.14 (1.12) [19.2–59.2]
Disease duration (y)*3.4 (5.7) [0.2–23.7]
Time (y) between OPG/sRANKL measurement and BMD assessment*0.4 (0.4) [0.0–1.1]
OPG (pg/ml)*1986.13 (751.53) [963.06–3983.19]
sRANKL (pg/ml)*7.83 (4.51) [2.9–28.2]
OPG/sRANKL*292.44 (21.35) [110.69–632.77]
BMD (g/cm2) lumbar vertebrae0.912 (0.15)
T score (L1–L4)−1.4 (1.48)
Z score (L1–L4)−1.25 (1.46)
BMD (g/cm2) femoral neck0.713 (0.12)
T score (femoral neck)−1.5 (1.13)
Z score (femoral neck)−1.2 (1.17)