Table 9

 Sensitivities (Sen), specificities (Spec), positive predictive values (PPV), negative predictive values (NPV), and overall accuracies (Acc) of the Glasgow alcoholic hepatitis score (GAHS), using the validation dataset. Accuracy of the GAHS relative to biopsy proven or clinically diagnosed alcoholic hepatitis

GAHS </⩾9Day 28 outcome (%) (Sen/Spec; PPV/NPV; Acc)Day 84 outcome (%) (Sen/Spec; PPV/NPV; Acc)
Day 1 score
    Biopsy proven88/49; 55/86; 6588/55; 67/81; 71
    No Biopsy72/69; 41/89; 7065/70;43/97; 69
Day 7 score
    Biopsy proven94/66; 63/95; 7790/67; 67/81; 77
    No Biopsy89/74; 43/97; 7784/77; 54/94; 79