Table 6

 Association between mismatch repair gene expression and family history of colorectal and extracolonic cancer based on multivariate logistic regression

Loss of hMLH1§Loss of hMSH2¶
OR†95% CI†p Value†OR†95% CI†p Value†
OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CRC, colorectal cancer; FH, family history; FDR, first degree relative.
*FH of HNPCC spectrum extracolonic cancer.
†Odds ratios, confidence intervals, and p values refer to loss of expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 compared with ‡individuals with no affected FDR.
¶Adjusted for age at diagnosis, sex, and family history suggestive of HNPCC (not adjusted for tumour location as all tumours were right sided).
§Adjusted for tumour location, age at diagnosis, sex, and family history suggestive of HNPCC.
FDR with CRC‡0.470.18––3.130.23
No of affected FDR
    2 or 30.550.06–5.140.600.400.02–9.790.57
FDR with extracolonic cancer*‡0.970.32–2.950.962.200.23–20.960.49
No of affected FDR
    2 or 39.151.18–70.840.03