Table 3

 Molecular events involved in the neoplastic transformation of Barrett’s mucosa and their potential clinical use

EventsType of change, commentDiagnostic use
Increased proliferation by
immunohistochemistryKi67 expression at the surface in HGD++
flow cytometryIncreased G2-M phase+
Cell cycle regulators
p16 (CDKN2A)Early LOH, late hypermethylation of 2nd allele
cyclins D1 and EIncreased expression in cancer
growth factors (GF) and GF receptors
TGFα, EGFIncreased expression in cancer
EGFRFrequent amplification in cancer
c-erbB2Less common overexpression as EGFR
Tumour suppressor genes
p53Frequent mutation in HGD and cancer++
APCEarly LOH and promoter methylation
RbUncommon direct implication
Cell adhesion
E-cadherinDecreased expression in cancer+/−
β cateninDecreased expression and nuclear shift+/−
COX-2 Increased expression, results in increased angiogenesis and decreased apoptosis?
Telomerase Increased expression parallel to dysplasia
DNA ploidy Early DNA aneuploidy+
Bcl2/bax Disturbed balance?
Microsatellite instability Very uncommon in cancer