Table 3

 Frequencies of normal and high intestinal permeability with respect to the occurrence of the three CARD15 mutations (3020insC, R702W, and G908R)

PIWT3020insCR702WG908R3020insC and R702W3020insC and G908RR702W and G908R
WT, wild-type (without CARD15 mutation); 3020insC, R702W, and G908R, mutations of the CARD15 gene (homozygous plus heterozygous); PI, permeability index; CD, Crohn’s disease; CD-R, first degree relative of a patient with CD; CD-NR, non-related household member living with a patient with CD.
*Significantly different incidence of high and normal permeability between wild-type and mutation subgroups.
Normal permeability, PI ⩽0.03; high permeability, PI >0.03; χ2 test paired comparison (Fisher’s exact).
CDn = 68n = 23n = 16n = 8n = 3n = 1n = 1
Normal38 (56%)11 (48%)8 (50%)5 (63%)2 (67%)1 (100%)1 (100%)
High30 (44%)12 (52%)8 (50%)3 (37%)1 (33%)
p = 0.629
CD-Rn = 66n = 20n = 13n = 2n = 4
Normal56 (85%)12 (60%)*10 (77%)2 (100%)1 (25%)
High10 (15%)8 (40%)*3 (23%)3 (75%)
p = 0.027
CD-NRn = 38n = 6n = 5n = 1
Normal36 (95%)6 (100%)5 (100%)1 (100%)
High2 (5%)