Table 3

 Trial findings

VariableAntioxidantPlacebop Value
GSH/GSSG ratio, glutathione/glutathione disulphide ratio; ITU, intensive care unit; HDU, high dependency unit.
*Fisher’s exact test (two sided).
†Mann-Whitney U test.
‡Unpaired two sample Student t test.
¶χ2 test (2 × k) without trend.
§21 patients contributed laboratory marker values in the antioxidant group.
Organ dysfunction (day 7)
Number of subjects2221
Organ dysfunction (%)*7 (32)4 (19)0.33
MODS (IQR)†1.54 (3.26)0.38 (0.86)0.07
APACHE (SD)‡5.73 (3.28)5.33 (1.06)0.60
Target organ dysfunction (day 7)
Renal dysfunction (%)†11 (50)7 (33)0.36
Respiratory dysfunction (%)†15 (68)8 (38)0.069
Laboratory markers (change from day 0 to day 7)§
Serum ascorbic acid‡2.89 (11.7)−0.22 (4.40)0.27
Serum selenium‡4.30 (45.0)−8.52 (28.3)0.28
GSH/GSSG ratio‡−2.77 (12.5)−0.65 (7.75)0.51
Serum C reactive protein‡−76.8 (111)−93.6 (99.9)0.61
Level of care
Length of stay (days)‡20.4 (24.4)14.3 (15.7)0.34
Days in ITU‡4.0 (10.3)0.0 (0.0)0.084
Days in HDU‡2.0 (3.7)0.4 (1.2)0.076
Days in normal care‡14.4 (20.9)13.9 (15.7)0.93
Patient outcomes
All cause mortality†4 (18.2%)0 (0.0%)0.108
Discharge destination¶ 0.144
Home14(63.6%)17 (81.0%)
Care home3 (13.6%)4 (19%)
Other hospital1(4.5%)0 (0.0%)
Dead4 (18.2%)0 (0.0%)