Table 1 Recipient donor demographic and clinical characteristics grouped by NOD2 genotype
CharacteristicNOD2 status—recipientNOD2 status—donor
Wild-type (n = 22)Mutant (n = 12)p valueWild-type (n = 32)Mutant (n = 3)p value
    <10 years127213
    10–20 years1230
    20–40 years3150
    >40 years6230
Primary pathology0.69
Short gut syndrome167
    Necrotising enterocolitis21
    Jejunal atresia31
    Gardner syndrome11
    Prune belly syndrome10
Crohn’s disease12
Motility disorder32
    Berdon syndrome02
    Idiopathic pseudo-obstruction30
Allograft implantedWild-type (n = 23)Mutant (n = 12)0.96
    Small bowel95
    Small bowel and liver84
Individual with any NOD2 mutation12/343/350.008
Excluding individuals with Crohn’s diseas10/313/350.014
  • The term multivisceral is used for a set of organs when pancreas and stomach accompany the small bowel allograft. One wild-type recipient was retransplanted over the course of the study. Of the three mutant donor organs, two were transplanted into mutant recipients and one into a wild-type recipient (see text). p Values were determined as described in the Methods section.