Abstract 12 Risk of death in people with coeliac disease stratified by cause of death
Cause of death (ICD 10 code)Observed deathsCrude risk/1000Expected deathsSMR (95% CI)
All deaths15114.3108.21.40 (1.18 to 1.64)
Cardiovascular (I00–I99)494.642.01.17 (0.86 to 1.54)
Cancer (C00–C97)484.531.11.54 (1.14 to 2.04)
Accidental* (S00–Y98) (0.52 to 3.74)
Respiratory (J00–J99) (0.98 to 2.36)
Digestive (K00–K93) (1.15 to 4.12)
  • *Including suicide; SMR, standardised mortality ratio; CI, confidence interval.