Table 4

Modified diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)103

Female sex+2
ALP:AST (or ALT) ratio
Serum globulins or IgG above normal
AMA positive−4
Hepatitis viral markers
Drug history
Average alcohol intake
 <25 g/day+2
 >60 g/day−2
Liver histology
 Interface hepatitis+3
 Predominantly lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate+1
 Rosetting of liver cells+1
 None of the above−5
 Biliary changes−3
 Atypical features−3
Other autoimmune disease(s)
 In either patient or first-degree relative+2
Optional additional parameters
 Seropositivity for other defined antibodies+2
 HLA DR3 or DR4+1
Response to therapy
 Remission alone+2
 Remission with relapse+3
Interpretation of aggregate scores
  Definite AIH>15
  Probable AIH10–15
  Definite AIH>17
  Probable AIH12–17
  • AMA, antimitochondrial antibodies; ANA, antinuclear antibody; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; LKM-1, liver kidney microsomal-1 antibody; SMA, smooth muscle antibody.