Table 2

Monitoring of CD with cross-sectional imaging

 ▸ Visualisation of the small bowel  ▸ Assessment of the transmural and extramural inflammatory process  ▸ Possibility of visualisation of the small bowel and the colon in one procedure with MRI enterocolonography  ▸ Validated score of activity for terminal ileum and the colon with MRI enterocolonography ▸ Moderate acceptance of enterography and colonography using enema  ▸ Relatively high cost of MRI and CT  ▸ Only partial visualisation of the small bowel with US  ▸ Ionising radiation with CT  ▸ No validated score of activity with US and CT  ▸ Timing of the monitoring with cross-sectional imaging not established  ▸ Degree of healing required to affect disease outcome not established
  • CD, Crohn's disease; US, ultrasonography.