Table 3

Clinical and demographic details of patients treated with the anti-IL-12/IL-23 antibody ustekinumab

Patient no.AgeSexType of IBDType of skin lesionsCDAI before ustekinumabCDAI at week 16*Change of skin lesions
228MCDPalmoplantar pustular psoriasis, psoriasis capillitiiN/A84++
327FCDDiffuse alopecia0 (complete remission)0 (complete remission)+++
922MCDPalmoplantar psoriasis, alopecia62101++
1120MCDGuttate psoriasis, psoriasis capillitii6969†++
1230FCDPustular palmoplantar psoriasis49183‡++
1461MCDPsoriasis capillitii, features of psoriasis and LE0 (complete remission)50§+++
2040FCDPalmoplantar psoriasis, psoriasis capillitii313214¶++
A48FCDPalmoplantar psoriasis with nail involvement279103+++
B31FCDPsoriasis inversa341348++
  • Severity of Crohn's disease was evaluated by using the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI). Clinical improvement of psoriasiform skin lesion was determined by an independent dermatologist using a semiquantitative score (− worsened; 0 no change; + slight improvement; ++ marked improvement; +++ healed).

  • *CDAI was calculated at week 16 after two ustekinumab injections (on the day of the third ustekinumab injection but before the third ustekinumab injection).

  • †The patient is a stoma carrier. Therefore, the CDAI of this patient is shown without including the score for stool frequency into the total CDAI score.

  • ‡At week 16, the patient was diagnosed with Campylobacter jejuni infection.

  • §Three ustekinumab injections (45 mg at week 0, 45 mg at week 4, 90 mg at week 10).

  • ¶Prior to week 16, the patient was treated with prednisolone due to a disease flare (20 mg for 1 week and then reducing the dose by 2.5 mg per week).

  • CD, Crohn's disease; f, female; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; m, male.