Table 1

Demographics, histological stage and endoscopic characteristics of AFI+ areas for patients included in training and validation cohorts

Training cohortValidation cohortp Value
 Number of patients15746N/A
 Male: female (%)79:2193:70.06
 Mean age (range)66.4 (35–87)68.7 (35–84)0.23
 Mean length of BO in cm (range)7.3 (2–17)7.6 (3–18)0.85
Histological diagnosis
 NDBO99 (63%)22 (56.4%)0.24
 LGD21 (13.4%)8 (20.5%)
 HGD24 (15.3%)3 (7.7%)
 EC13 (8.3%)6 (15.4%)
Endoscopic features
 Number of AFI+ areas229108N/A
 AFI+ areas visible on HRE28.4%21%0.15
 AFI+ areas with HGD/EC 21.1%15.4%0.32
  • AFI, autofluorescence imaging; EC, early cancer; HGD, high-grade dysplasia; HRE, high-resolution endoscopy; LGD, low-grade dysplasia; NDBO, non-dysplastic Barrett's oesophagus.