Table 1

Baseline characteristics of study participants

CharacteristicsPlacebo (n=91)Mesalazine (n=88)p Value
Age, years (±SD)40.3 (12.2)41.0 (11.6)0.556
Female gender, n (%)54 (59.3)51 (58.0)0.851
Ethnic origin0.613
 Caucasian, n (%)89 (97.8)85 (96.6)
 African, n (%)1 (1.1)2 (2.3)
 Asian, n (%)1 (1.1)0
 Other, n (%)0 (0)1 (1.1)
IBS subtype (3)0.481
 IBS-D, n (%)39 (42.8)30 (34.1)
 IBS-C, n (%)18 (19.8)18 (20.4)
 IBS-M, n (%)34 (37.4)40 (45.5)
Abdominal pain score*† (±SD)4.5 (2.3)4.6 (2.5)0.930
Bloating score*† (±SD)5.0 (2.7)5.4 (2.8)0.377
IBS-QoL† (±SD)65.2 (16.4)62.9 (17.4)0.439
General well-being*† (±SD)4.1 (2.5)4.8 (2.5)0.074
SF-36† (±SD)65.1 (15.4)62.7 (16.0)0.324
  • Data are reported as number of patients (%) or mean±SD.

  • *These parameters were collected at the screening visit (week 2).

  • †Results are reported on intention-to-treat population.

  • QoL, quality of life; SF-36, short-form 36 items health survey.