Table 2

Comparison of altered taxa in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) compared with healthy controls: family level and above

Gut microbiota alterations in patients with CD (current study: FDR<0.05)
Taxon (family and above)Phylum (or kingdom)Current study*Gevers et alMorgan et alWilling et al§
f__MethanobacteriaceaeArchea (kingdom)DownNot reportedNot reportedNot reported
p__ActinobacteriaDownDownNot reportedUp in colonic CD
c__ActinobacteriaActinobacteriaDownDownNot reportedUp in colonic CD
f__MicrococcaceaeActinobacteriaNot reportedUpNot reportedNot reported
f__BifidobacteriaceaeActinobacteriaDownDownDown, in lower taxonomic levelsUp in colonic CD
f__CoriobacteriaceaeActinobacteriaDownDownNot reportedUp in colonic CD
p__BacteroidetesUpDownNot reportedNot reported
o__BacteroidalesBacteriodetesUpDownNot reportedNot reported
f__PorphyromonadaceaeBacteriodetesUpDownDown, in lower taxonomic levelsUnknown genus in this family: down in ileal CD
p__FirmicutesDown, in lower taxonomic levelsDownDownUp in colonic CD
c__BacilliFirmicutesUp, in lower taxonomic levelsUpAssociated to ileal involvementUp in ileal CD
f__AerococcaceaeFirmicutesUpNot reportedNot reportedNot reported
f__EnterococcaceaeFirmicutesUpNot reportedNot reportedNot reported
o__GemellalesFirmicutesNot reportedUpNot reportedNot reported
f__GemellaceaeFirmicutesNot reportedUpNot reportedNot reported
f__StreptococcaceaeFirmicutesNot reportedUpNot reportedNot reported
c__ClostridiaFirmicutesDownDownDownDown in ileal CD
o__ClostridialesFirmicutesDownDownDownDown in ileal CD
f__MogibacteriaceaeFirmicutesDownNot reportedNot reportedNot reported
f__ChristensenellaceaeFirmicutesDownDownNot reportedNot reported
f__ClostridiaceaeFirmicutesDownDownNot reportedNot reported
f__DehalobacteriaceaeFirmicutesDownNot reportedNot reportedNot reported
f__LachnospiraceaeFirmicutesUp, but genera in lower levels both going up and downDownDown, in lower taxonomic levelsDown, in lower taxonomic levels
f__PeptococcaceaeFirmicutesDownNot reportedNot reportedDown in ileal CD
f__PeptostreptococcaceaeFirmicutesDownNot reportedNot reported
f__RuminococcaceaeFirmicutesDownDownDownDown in ileal CD
f__VeillonellaceaeFirmicutesNot reportedUpUpUp in lower taxonomic levels in ileal CD
f__ErysipelotrichaceaeFirmicutesDownDownAssociated to ileal involvementNot reported
p__FusobacteriaNot reportedNot reportedNot reportedUp in ileal CD
o__FusobacterialesFusobacteriaNot reportedUpNot reportedUp in ileal CD
f__FusobacteriaceaeFusobacteriaNot reportedUpNot reportedUp in ileal CD
p__ProteobacteriaUpUpUpUp in ileal CD
c__BetaproteobacteriaProteobacteriaUpUpNot reportedNot reported
o__BurkholderialesProteobacteriaUpUpNot reportedNot reported
f__ NeisseriaceaeProteobacteriaNot reportedUpNot reportedNot reported
c__GammaproteobacteriaProteobacteriaUpUpUpUp in ileal CD
f__AeromonadaceaeProteobacteriaNot reportedNot reportedNot reportedUp in ileal CD
o__CampylobacteralesProteobacteriaNot reportedUpNot reportedNot reported
f__EnterobacteriaceaeProteobacteriaUpUpUpUp in ileal CD
f__PasteurellaceaeProteobacteriaNot reportedUpNot reported
p__TenericutesDownNot reportedNot reported
c__MollicutesTenericutesDownNot reportedNot reportedDown in ileal CD, up in colonic CD
f__AnaeroplasmataceaeTenericutesNot reportedNot reportedNot reportedDown in ileal CD, up in colonic CD
f__VerrucomicrobiaceaeVerrucomicrobiaNot reportedDownNot reportedNot reported
  • k__, kingdom; p__; phylum; c__ , class; o__ , order; f__, family.

  • *313 patients with IBD including 188 patients with CD; 582 healthy controls; stool only.

  • Cell Host Microbe 2014; 447 patients with CD; 221 controls; stool and biopsy.

  • Genome Biology 2012; 204 patients with IBD including 121 patients with CD and 27 controls; stool and biopsy.

  • §Gastroenterology 2010; 40 twin pairs concordant or discordant for CD/UC (23 CD pairs, 15 UC pairs, 2 healthy pairs).

  • FDR, false discovery rate.