Table 2

Characteristics of H2RA and non-H2RA users

All (n=63 397)H2RA users (n=21 729)Non-H2RA users (n=41 668)
Age at triple therapy (years)*54.7 (46.0–65.4)60.0 (51.6–71.0)52.0 (43.4–61.6)
Male sex (n, %)29 499 (46.5%)9454 (43.5%)20 045 (48.1%)
Duration of follow-up (years)*7.6 (5.1–10.3)7.2 (4.8–9.8)7.8 (5.3–10.5)
Smoking (n, %)1629 (2.6%)863 (4.0%)766 (1.8%)
Alcohol (n, %)552 (0.9%)232 (1.1%)320 (0.8%)
Dyspepsia (n, %)4145 (6.5%)1826 (8.4%)2319 (5.6%)
GORD (n, %)3278 (5.2%)1629 (7.5%)1649 (4.0%)
History of GU (n, %)1268 (2.0%)446 (2.1%)822 (2.0%)
History of DU (n, %)1897 (3.0%)503 (2.3%)1394 (3.3%)
DM (n, %)7383 (11.6%)3885 (17.9%)3498 (8.4%)
Hypertension (n, %)13 065 (20.6%)7137 (32.8%)5928 (14.2%)
Dyslipidaemia (n, %)5045 (8.0%)2939 (13.5%)2106 (5.1%)
Obesity637 (1.0%)351 (1.6%)286 (0.7%)
IHD (n, %)5701 (9.0%)3560 (16.4%)2141 (5.1%)
AF (n, %)2404 (3.8%)1468 (6.8%)936 (2.2%)
CHF (n, %)2512 (4.0%)1512 (7.0%)1000 (2.4%)
Stroke (n, %)3965 (6.3%)2466 (11.3%)1499 (3.6%)
CRF (n, %)1388 (2.2%)814 (3.7%)574 (1.4%)
Cirrhosis (n, %)1037 (1.6%)425 (2.0%)612 (1.5%)
Statins (n, %)13 180 (20.8%)7401 (34.1%)5779 (13.9%)
Metformin (n, %)7935 (12.5%)3899 (17.9%)4036 (9.7%)
Aspirin (n, %)8965 (14.1%)6376 (29.3%)2589 (6.2%)
NSAIDs/COX-2 inhibitors (n, %)3556 (5.6%)3092 (14.2%)464 (1.1%)
Clopidogrel (n, %)980 (1.5%)602 (2.8%)378 (0.9%)
PPIs (n, %)3271 (5.2%)1499 (6.9%)1772 (4.3%)
  • Categorical variables were expressed as number (%).

  • Drug use was defined as at least weekly use and expressed as number (%).

  • *Age was expressed as median (years) with IQR.

  • AF, atrial fibrillation; CHF, congestive heart failure; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; CRF, chronic renal failure; DM, diabetes mellitus; DU, duodenal ulcer; GU, gastric ulcer; H2RA, histamine 2 receptor antagonist; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PPIs, proton pump inhibitors.