Table 1

Demographic characteristics of study cohorts

Subject groupNumber of subjectsMean age—years (SD)Female sex—no. (%)White race—no. (%)
Original cohorts*
 NCWS8034.6 (10.3)62 (78)80 (100)
 Coeliac disease4034.5 (13.7)30 (75)40 (100)
 Healthy†4035.0 (12.8)30 (75)40 (100)
Secondary cohorts‡
 ME/CFS13150.0 (11.4)89 (68)117 (91)
 Healthy†8650.0 (12.8)68 (79)80 (93)
  • *Cohorts used to generate the discriminant function. For more information about these cohorts, see reference 1.

  • †There is no subject overlap between the two healthy control cohorts.

  • ‡Cohorts on which the discriminant analysis was performed.

  • ME/CFS, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome; NCWS, non-coeliac wheat sensitivity.