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Radiological diagnosis of recurrent colonic carcinoma at the anastomosis
  1. Clive Bartram,
  2. John E. Hale


    The barium enemas of 23 cases of end-to-end anastomosis following resection of a colonic carcinoma demonstrated that the normal anastomosis should be smooth, symmetrical, and have a regular mucosal pattern. In contrast the three patients reported with proven recurrent carcinoma at the anastomosis showed irregular asymmetrical filling defects1.

    As a base line the anastomosis should be investigated with a limited double-contrast enema examination six weeks after operation. Earlier examinations may show irregularity due to incomplete healing.

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    • 1 A paper was read to the proctological section of the Royal Society of Medicine entitled `Four cases with a tumour recurrence at the colonic anastomosis' on 28 January 1970 by J.E.H. and two of those cases are included in the present series.