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The influence of mesenteric denervation on the inhibition of gastric secretion by fat in the intestine
  1. Jaime Isaza,
  2. Kyoji Sugawara,
  3. John Curt,
  4. E. R. Woodward


    The inhibitory effect of fat in the upper small intestine was studied in dogs prepared with a Heidenhain pouch, gastric fistula, and jejunal fistula. Gastric secretion was stimulated by a constant intravenous infusion of pentagastrin, and emulsified olive oil was introduced into the jejunum. The small intestine of the dog was denervated by complete transection of the mesentery except for the superior mesenteric vessels. After intestinal denervation inhibition of the vagally innervated stomach was almost abolished while that in the Heidenhain pouch was unchanged. It is concluded that either autonomic innervation is important in the formation of enterogastrone or, more likely, that efferent inhibitory fibres in the vagus to the stomach act synergistically with enterogastrone.

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