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The effect of fat on calcium absorption from a mixed meal in normal subjects, patients with malabsorptive disease, and patients with a partial gastrectomy
  1. J. E. Agnew,
  2. C. D. Holdsworth


    The absorption of 47Ca Cl2 taken with a milk and porridge meal was measured in normal subjects, patients with a partial gastrectomy, and patients with malabsorption. The addition of palm oil to the meal depressed calcium absorption, whereas the addition of medium-chain triglyceride had no effect. The contrasting effect of the two fats on calcium absorption was most marked in patients with a partial gastrectomy and least marked in patients with malabsorption. In patients with malabsorption, impairment of calcium absorption was most marked in the patients with a significant increase in faecal fat excretion. Absorption of calcium was greater in patients with a partial gastrectomy than in normal subjects.

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