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Inheritance and influence of histocompatibility (HL-A) antigens in adult coeliac disease
  1. P. L. Stokes,
  2. P. Asquith,
  3. G. K. T. Holmes,
  4. Pauline Mackintosh,
  5. W. T. Cooke


    In a study of histocompatibility antigens in adult coeliac disease the HL-A phenotypes have been determined in 117 patients and 149 of their first-degree relatives, of whom 94 had had a jejunal biopsy performed. There was an increased frequency of the HL-A 8 antigen in the patients and their relatives. Family studies showed no irregularity in the inheritance of both this antigen and the HL-A 1 and 8 haplotype.

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