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Effects of oral calcium gluconate on gastric acid secretion and serum gastrin concentration in man.
  1. M J Brodie,
  2. P C Ganguli,
  3. A Fine,
  4. T J Thomson


    A single oral dose of 4-46 mmol calcium gluconate at pH 5-6 was administered intragastrically to 15 male volunteers without gastrointestinal disease. There was a significant rise in acid output from 30-90 minutes after the calcium was given compared with the basal hourly collection. The serum gastrin level 30 minutes after calcium administration was significantly raised, but no correlation could be demonstrated between the acid and gastrin responses. Serum calcium levels were unchanged throughout. An equimolar dose of magnesium sulphate had no such effects. This study suggests that the intragastric administration of calcium results in independent release of gastric acid and gastrin from the gastric mucosa.

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